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Rheldoc Shadowstorm

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1Rheldoc Shadowstorm Empty Rheldoc Shadowstorm Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:13 pm


Rheldoc Shadowstorm

Appears quite calm and composed, but underneath this exterior, Rheldoc is ferocious and malicious, with no care to the safety of those that get on his bad side. He is generally quite helpful and generous, unless greatly angered.
Rheldoc takes great care in all that he does, and tends to do everything whole-heartedly. It is thought, however, that the tragedy of his sister had some detrimental effect on him, making him more feral. Although no skilled fighter, he would not
hesitate to take on even the most seasoned of warriors bare-handed.

Physical Traits
Rheldoc has long white hair, pulled tight and tied behind his head. He also has a scruffy beard, also white. His eyes glow a soft amber, which helps only to accentuate his sharp features. He is a somewhat handsome elf, although his years of piracy and roaming the wilds have taken their toll, giving him a weathered look. He is built much like any other Night Elf, leaning somewhat on the thin side.

Was a former Bloodsail Pirate. Has been known to take bounties in the past. Currently plying his trade as a Tailor and a part-time Alchemist.

Rheldoc is estranged from his immediate family, after his father ended the
suffering of his younger sister. He does not know of their whereabouts, and does not care enough to find out. He aims to
kill his father, and avenge his sister.

Rheldoc Shadowstorm had a perfectly normal childhood, living just north of what would become known as the Chaos Well. His life was normal and peaceful, his mother working as a Tailor, and his father as an Armorsmith for the Night Elf Sentinels. The one oddity in his average life was the extremely close affinity he had with nature. Rheldoc's peaceful life was soon shattered, however, with the arrival of the Orcish Horde to the forests of Ashenvale.
Despite the repeated warnings of the Night Elven leaders, Rheldoc's father,Daela, refused to take his family from their home, believing the Sentinels to be strong enough to repel the Horde. The family managed to remain at their home for a few weeks, before they were forced to flee by Mannoroth, the vile pit lord. When his blood was spilt into the Well, causing it to become a Chaos Well, beasts and plant life around it became corrupted. This Daela saw as a sign to flee.
On the run from thier home, attempting to make it to Darkshore, theShadowstorm family was struck by a horrible event. While travelling along the coast, the family was ambushed by three Orcs. The Orcs attacked the young family, but Rheldoc, his father and his older brother managed to repel them. However, this came at a great cost. Aelera, Rheldoc's youngest sister, had been gravely wounded. Rheldoc, young and naive, believed his sister would pull through, but his father thought otherwise. He saw it best to end her suffering. Rheldoc, outraged at his father, lunged at him, only to be restrained
by his older brother, Mathredis. Knowing what was to come next, Rheldoc ran, wishing not to here the dying breath of his sister. It was the last time he saw his family.
The next chapter in Rheldocs life is shady, but it is known that he befriended a young tunaway Grimtotem Tauren, Hruon Smite. The two somehow made their way to Gadgetzan, eventually joining the crew of a Pirate ship. It is thought they stayed here for a few years, gaining the trust of the ships captain, with Rheldoc eventually becoming First Mate. It is believed however, that Smite did not like this arrangement, and set about framing Rheldoc for an attempted murder on the ship's Captain. Rheldoc discovered what Smite planned to do and fled the ship, romaing the Eastern Kingdoms alone, fending for himself.
It was here, alone in the wild, that Rheldoc rediscovered the control he had over beasts, giving him the power to manipulate them to his will.
He now lives alone in the wild, controlling various creatures, and roaming the lands, always listening for news of the Night Elf called Daela Shadowstorm.

Criminal Record
Rheldoc was formerly outlawed by the forces of the Alliance for his piracy. However, following a number of acts of bravery, Rheldoc was able to redeem himself in the eyes of his kinsmen and allies.

Fighting Style
As he is more a thinker than a fighter, Rheldoc does not fight with any particular style. He has no formal training under his belt, and thus is not the most graceful of combatants. Knowing this, Rheldoc
devises a careful plan before each fight, using his wits to outsmart his opponent.

Personal Notes
The lands of Kalimdor are Rheldocs natural home, but he has taken to the Human lands of Azeroth, Elwynn Forest in particular.

Current Status
Roaming the lands, attempting to stay alive long enough to avenge his sister. He believes it his right and duty to slay his
father for the killing of his sister. He is also attempting to learn some skills from the Magi and Priests of the Alliance, in the hope that he can prevent what happened to his sister happening again to anyone else.
Rheldoc has recently aligned himself with a guild known as Moonshine, in the hope that they could assist him in his quest. He was most recently spotted living of the harsh lands of Northrend, aiding his newfound allies in the war against the Lich King.

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