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Lunar Radiance/Moonshine Guild Forums

Official forum of World of Warcraft Roleplaying Guild Moonshine at Steamwheedle EU server

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Juliska Whitefreezie

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1Juliska Whitefreezie Empty Juliska Whitefreezie Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:06 am


Well, I guess I should introduce myself a bit, too. However, in contrary to your magnificient life stories, as I have read them carefully, I'm afraid there's nothing special about Juliska...

I was born right in the middle of Gnomeregan, just like almost any other of my gnome fellows those days. As far as I can remember, I had spent quite a happy early childhood down there. Unfortunately, that was not meant to last for long... The notorious invasion of troggs and orcs along with any other imaginable beasts fell upon us and turned my beloved home into a hell under earth in no time. I was fleeing. I was fleeing as fast as I only could, still it was not fast enough... at least not enough for many of my friends, my numerous relatives, and my... parents. None of them made it out, all of them were left behind.

I didn't even dare to imagine what could have possible happened to them. Although I got some idea thanks to what some of my friends told me later about that cursed place when they returned and fought down there for whatever reason. I never dared to come back, though, I admit. It'd be too much for me, and I'll tell you why.

My brother did. Yes, my little older brother dared. Did I mention we fled the invaded Gnomeregan together? He was the only related soul I had, my only support. We wandered together all over Dun Morogh before we found our way to the dwarven city, Ironforge. It was blessings, the city saved us, the dwarves were most helpful, it became our shelter. We lived well there by the Forge, we spent several happy years there in the huge dwarven cave, in fact.

But my brother, I used to call him Little Hush when he was young, my brother was more and more tempted by the strange fellows of Tinker Town and their ideas about what should be done in Gnomeregan and that our former home could be even regained. Honestly, I never believed this could be possibly achieved after what I had seen and heard. But my brother did. I opposed. But he went. He went back there, down there with a bunch of foreigners who promised him fame and money. As you probably guess, he never got back. And if he did, he never showed up. And if he showed up, it was not in front of me, and it was not him. Some say that although he made it out, he could not bear the experience, having seen what happened to our once sweet home, and he himself turned sour and evil, if not infected just like many of those who stayed underneath.

And I fear the worst. As we had been both always attracted rather by the charm of magic rather than sharpness of weapons, I fear he chose the wrong way, the dark side. And while I have chosen the Ice, the White Ice as my main weapon, I fear he has fallen into the Shadows... Anyhow and anyway, I haven't heard of him since then... or I haven't seen him, at least.

Well, you might get the feeling I'm telling you about my brother and not about me, but he really used to be an important part of my life, as you can guess. I had noone else. And now, there I was, all alone in Ironforge, a little gnome girl with some vague white mage aspirations. What could I do? The same as many of you - finally, I began to travel all over Azeroth. And that way, I began to meet some fine people, not only gnomes and dwarves, but also tall humans and long-eared elves, too. They often proved to be much better and helpful friends than many of my former gnome fellows who had corrupted my little dear brother. Anyway, thanks to them, I have visited further wonderful places like Elwynn Forest or Teldrassil or Darkshore (well, that one was not THAT wonderful) or even Ashenvale, where I met more friends and began to practice my freezing skills. And near Blackfathom Deeps I met an honest elvish guy who took me inside, saved my life several times in the depths and introduced me to Vaelis and the Moonshine.

His name and the rest of the story you might know. The Moonshine guild became my new home. I moved to Stormwind, further away from the cursed Gnomeregan and Dun Morogh lands. I started working for the guild. I learnt one or two professions and I learnt how to trade. I prefered the security of my tailorshop rather than the insecurity of adventures. However, from time to time, I loved to storm the most dangerous and adventurous places with Vaelis and other guild members by my side.

Unfortunately, before long, I had to change my course again. I had to head for the far, very far East for the first time in my life, and for a very long time. I had no choice, if I was to continue my career of a white mage. It was a difficult, demanding, challenging journey - every time I thought I would come back in Stormwind, I was called off again - but now it seems this pilgrimage of mine is coming to an end, finally and for good.

However, this is quite another story, the story that might be told later. The story that brought Juliska, enriched with the surname Whitefreezie from now on, back to Azeroth, back to her beloved Moonshine guild and - what is most important - back side by side with Vaelis, Serenais, and all other great friends.

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