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Enlil struggles with photoshop!

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1Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Enlil struggles with photoshop! Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:38 pm


Enlil struggles with photoshop! Enlily13

2Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Opinion Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:47 pm


My father gave me an old version of photoshop (cs2) about 3 weeks ago. After that i have been struggling with enoying adjustments, menu's, layers... and so forth. Finaly, i came up with an image worth showing.

I can see a lot of errors in this image, but it would be nice if you could tell me what you think of it. Good and/or bad things. Every little information is appreciated for me, so i can evolve and improve my drawings Enlil struggles with photoshop! Icon_smile

3Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:50 pm


Talents! You have it! Very nice indeed Enlil! I myself love Photoshop even though I hate working with it with the mouse >< And yet I have to wait till I can hopefully get a graphics tablet ^^' But very nice indeed! Normally I got guides on how to use Photoshop at the beginning x) If you are interested I could send you a link to where I got them Smile Again! Very nice! Very Happy

4Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:43 pm


Thank you Blawd Enlil struggles with photoshop! Icon_biggrin

I gave up on the mouse after the first week. And was lucky that a store nearby had a summersale wich included pen tablets. So i went there fast and bought one before they were sold out. I must say that they are quite expensive otherwise >.<

If you could post a few links in how to draw on photoshop i would be really happy Enlil struggles with photoshop! Icon_smile
I have a book about photoshop, but it doesnt tell how use it for drawing. Only how to work with pictures from cameras or similar.

5Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Thu Jul 22, 2010 1:34 am


You lucky thing you! Wish a store here would have a sale on graphics
tablets >< Ahh well.. Okay! Well, the stuff I got was from other
artists and normally they make tutorials which is always nice to have Smile

1.First Artist known as "Neondragon" J. Peffer. Her art is amazing! I
even have both her tutorial books x)
It's a bit of a shame she changed her website, so some of the older
tutorials are gone >< but do take a look at her work aswell Smile

2. Tanidareal is the second artist Smile she draws amazing animals that
always reminds me of the Lion King art style x) So here she made a few
tutorials herself:

Hmm.. damn... kinda forgot where I got the other
tutorials... Well nr. 3. is an art website, people post
TONS of things there and there you can get loads of tutorials Very Happy Just go
to the website and Type in the search box for "Photoshop Turorials"

I even got you a few, hope they are what you are looking for Smile

An eye tutorial
Here is quite a nice coloring one:
(You just need to click on the download box to see
it Smile )
Here is one for hair:
Ahhh! Nice here's an Inking one:
Here's an inking and soft cell coloring one:

So your best bet would be to look on Smile I hope these
help you!

P.S. The art is copy righted to their original owners and may not be
used as your own, please give credit to them.

6Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:42 am


Moonshine Staff

Very nice, Enlil. Smile Also congratulations on your hand-eye coordination. The more I think about drawing while using a tablet, the more it seems that making mistakes and misclicks must be incredibely likely. Smile

7Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:08 pm



I can only agree with what has already been said. It looks very good so far and the more you work with it, the better you will get! Very Happy

8Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Sun Jul 25, 2010 1:59 am


Thanks for your views of the drawing Enlil struggles with photoshop! Icon_biggrin

And yes, Serenais. Two different keystrokes i've learned quickly are "E" (=Erase) and
"Ctrl + Alt + Z" (=Undo) Enlil struggles with photoshop! Icon_tongue

Thanks for your links Blawdgarm Enlil struggles with photoshop! Icon_biggrin
I'll look into them closely when i have the time.

9Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Tue Sep 28, 2010 1:18 am


As i cant use photoshop now. I thought i could post a quick sketch a did at work last Friday. Yes, i know the eyes of this Nelf is wrong (halfbreed?). Forgot about how they really looks when i was struggling with her ears.

[img]Enlil struggles with photoshop! Nelf14[/img]

10Enlil struggles with photoshop! Empty Re: Enlil struggles with photoshop! Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:09 am



I like it Enlil!! ^^ I really do. Keep working! :3 *Cheers*

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