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Vazruja films inc!

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1Vazruja films inc! Empty Vazruja films inc! Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:36 pm


Vazruja is in the film making industry -- it's official!

Vazruja, or Nyxi as you know me, or Mareth, or Valmar, or Galapheral, or Sam, or Vasyldrac, or Daerana, or Xorei, or Gwenith, or... I'll shut up now.
Basically I've started a Youtube account under the alias of Vazruja, and over the next few months will be posting lots of videos on it!

I currently only have one up, and it's the video of Fun Club's Lich King kill (Link here --

In the near future I'll be releasing the Moonshine Montage, A Tribute to Ashenvale Forest, and a sneaky peak at what Daerana gets up to in her spare time. Watch this space folks!

(P.S. Please post all comments/praise/complaints/death threats either on the Youtube videos themselves, or on this thread, thanks!)

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