Lunar Radiance/Moonshine Guild Forums
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Lunar Radiance/Moonshine Guild Forums

Official forum of World of Warcraft Roleplaying Guild Moonshine at Steamwheedle EU server

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OOC Meeting the 28'th Oct. - Report

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1OOC Meeting the 28'th Oct. - Report Empty OOC Meeting the 28'th Oct. - Report Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:27 pm



To you people who couldnt be there last meeting, this is basicly what went down.
Members and Officers alike sat down over the OOC-Channel and held a meeting regarding what Moonshine will do in the coming expansion of Cataclysm.

- Moonshine is officially a RP/Social Guild. Meaning we will first and foremest focus on those two aspects. That means things like PvE content such as Raiding and Heroic's will remain on a Social basis, no forced attendence on those two.

- Increased amount of RP events and Social events alike: It was decided that Moonshine needs more RP events to keep things from withering away. This will be done by informing people in the Guild that everyone is allowed to make an event. Like before, no one is forced to partake in these events, but do note that if people want higher ranks within the Guild, then they need to socialise.
Also to note, it was decided that it is NOT the Officers task to maintain a steady flow of RP events in the Guild. In short - If people want events, then they're are free to make them.

- Attendence issues: There has been too many people absence to different event made by members of the Guild, way to often. People would sign up as "Accepted" and still not show up on the promised time, leaving a distressed Event Creator. This issue will be adressed by having a Moonshine Officer taking notes on who signs up for what, and to keep check that they show up on time when they have promised so. If people do not show up, then it will be reported to the Regent Keeper of the Guild, and it will result in that the Member in question will have to make it up to the Event Creator in the form of a Gift. If people still keep screwing around with the attendence, then direct actions will be taken. In short - Show up when you've promised to do so.

- Moonshine with a twist of Raiding: A lot of members and Officers aswell, spoke that perhaps a raid with the Guild once in awhile would be a fun activity next to RP and Social interaction. It was agreed upon that Moonshine will undertake a raid once in awhile with two weeks of notice before the raid date. This should leave people enough time to clear their schedule if they want to partake in the raid experience. It was also decided that a Test Raid in ToC will be attempted on Thursday the 11'th november.

- New Officers/Council member: It was decided that another Officer was needed to fill a empty gap which has remained for a long time. People got to vote on who should rise as the next Officer. In the end it was decided by vote that Crýstal would become the next Officer.

- Attendance Officer : As noted before one of the Officers would undertake the task on noting peoples attendence on events. That Officer would be Cidcus.

- Responsible of the Guild Bank : Blawdgarm was appointed new Guild Bank maintainer.

And that's that. If I forgot something, do feel free to whisper me in WoW, and I'll edit it into there.

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