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Blue Wings how it was intended before things changed in the guild...

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Moonshine Staff

(( Some of you may have heard about the story, some may have not. I put it in here so that you could "see" it as it was intended, even though not in its entirety. The story will now be rethought and rewritten, so that it matches the current situation better. ))

Lich King fell. In a faint blue haze, the last remnants of what once may have been a soul vanished. All that remained on that snow of the topmost terrace of Icecrown Citadel was the dead body of prince Arthas.
And Frostmourne beside him. The runeblade with which all started.
Serenais let go of her shield and slowly sat down.
“Is it over…” Vaelis silently asked.
“No.” Serenais shook her head. “The sword must be dealt with as well.”
“Who…” Pharos tried to ask, but Serenais answered before he could finish.
She took a look on the faintly glowing blade.
“Take a step back.”
When they did, Serenais reached for the Frostmourne. Even though she had gloves on her hands she still felt the icy metal of the sword. And the whispers that came from within it.
She closed her eyes and begun casting a short spell.
Serenais… I have been waiting for you…
When begun the last rhyme of the spell, a white glow appeared between her fingers.
Serenais… We belong to each other…
Then she said the last word. Runes on the blade turned white. She raised the sword above her.
Don’t do it…
She swiftly swung the sword down. The tip came through the snow and hit the rock below. In a flash of bright light, the blade was shattered. In that, all the magic of the sword was suddenly released. Tiny pieces of metal flew to all directions. Serenais cried out when the force hit her and sent her flying over the terrace. When she hit the floor again, Vaelis kneeled beside her.
“By Elune…”
Serenais was wounded on dozens of places, all of them slowly tinting the snow with her blue blood.
“Is her hearthstone still set for Wintergarde?” Pharos asked.
“I hope it is…”
Vaelis took the stone from one of Serenaises’ pockets. Then she pressed it into Serenaises’ right hand.
With that, both of them vanished.
Pharos took a look around himself. Of all the army that left Crystalsong forest, only he remained.

(one year later)

Vaelis knelt.
“Elune, please hear my words…”
She touched the water of the well in front of her.
“You, that safeguard the night, enchant the waters of this place…”
Vaelis lowered her head and closed her eyes.
“As your humblest servant, I kneel here before you and I pray that you sanctify this moon well.”
As she said the last word, her nails begun to glow, and with them the water surface that she touched. The glow slowly spread, until the whole pool of the moon well was faintly shining.
Vaelis placed her hand back on the stone of the moon well.
“I thank you, my goddess.”
A small crowd that gathered around her, mumbled the same words. When Vaelis stood up, the crowd cheered. The druid of the Stormwind Park spoke to them.
“Behold! The moon well of this city is finally complete!”
Far away from the crowd, on the other side of the greensward, a gnome mage clapped. Almost everyone failed to notice that, all except for Vaelis herself.
She turned to the druid and bowed. With a small gesture, he allowed her to leave the place. Vaelis turned around. The crowd almost immediately made a way for her. As she walked through them, their eyes followed her.
Many knew that only a few priestesses of Elune were capable of such a deed as was sanctifying a moon well.
Juliska greeted in her high-pitched voice, so typical for gnomes.
“A great day, isn’t it?”
Vaelis sat down.
“A work well done, if I may say so. I just wish they asked someone more suitable for it…”
Human voice interrupted the beginning of conversation.
“Tyrande Whisperwind couldn’t come.”
Vaelis turned in the direction of the voice.
Then she rose on her feet.
“I am glad that you’ve come.”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Juliska giggled.
“Many smiling faces. This must the happiest place on all Azeroth.”
Vaelis shook her head.
“Many that could have come didn’t.”
“Polaaris says he’s sorry, but the guild business keeps him very occupied. Ever since Serenais left Azeroth, his job left him with more talking than he’s used to.”
“Yes, I know. Speaking of which… Where is Serenais? I thought you tried to invite her for the occasion, Pharos.”
“It’s that obvious, isn’t it.”
Pharos shrugged.
“I tried, yes. But you know how things are in Outland.”

I wouldn’t be surprised had the message not reached her at all.


Moonshine Staff

“What tea is it this time?”
Serenais took a look at the small pouch her visitor handed to her.
“Kurenai. Those leaves are used by their healers when they try to expel demon of… a wrong mind collocation.”
Serenais opened the pouch, took out the dried leaves and put them into a teapot, already filled with hot water.
“Demon of wrong mind collocation.”
The visitor smiled.
“It’s supposed to better bad mood. I think you could use it, from time to time.”
Serenais took the teapot and carried it to a table. Then she put it between two neatly shaped cups.
“Take a seat.”
When they both sat at the table, the teas’ mild aroma begun spreading above it. Serenais nodded.
“The aroma is right.”
She took the teapot and filled the cups with reddish beverage. However, before they could taste it, her visitor spoke.
“Someone’s coming.”
Serenaises’ visitor nodded. With that she turned translucent almost to the state of invisibility.
Dragon tricks, Serenais thought. Just after she did, someone knocked on the door of her house.
“I’m coming!”

she opened the door, she lowered her cape so that her face would not be
easily seen. When she opened it, she saw a human bearing a tabard of
Stormwind kingdom. For Zangarmarsh it was not a common sight.
“Lady Serenais?”
“If you leave out the Lady.”
He nodded.
“I bring a message from King Varian. He is on a diplomatic mission to Shattrath and would like to see you.”
Serenaises’ eyes thinned.
“For what reason?”
“I do not know, milady. I was told that it was important, though.”
looked in the direction of her visitor. Though almost invisible, her
nod was clear. Then Serenais turned back to the messenger.
“Alright then. Tell your King that I shall visit him…”
“King Varian asked that you visit him today, before any negotiations begin.”
“Very well. I shall get underway after I finish what I have here to do.”

“Is that wise?” Serenais asked her visitor, who just turned fully visible again.
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“I don’t trust him.”
“That’s good. You will need that.”
Serenais sit back to the table.
“And I thought prophecies were the craft of your brother.”
Her visitor giggled.
“We all share a bit of that talent. You should get underway soon though… I have a feeling this might be important.”
Serenais raised the cup and took a taste of the tea.
“The tea is really good…”
Her visitor didn’t reply.
“Alexstrasza. When you think that something is important, kingdoms go to ruin.”
“Come on. What would a small visit to a king do to you?”
Serenais put the cup back onto the table.
“It could ruin my evening.”


Moonshine Staff

“I told you she would not come.”
King Varian crossed his arms.
“I told you it was a bad idea from the start, Valeera.”
“It’s by far better than what your people think of me just when I walk the streets.”
“I don’t think…”
“That’s right! You don’t! That’s what king is for, after all.”
Valeera showed an amused grin.
“I wanted to say that I don’t think you trying to be a paladin was good idea.”
“Still, I got you convinced.”
King Varian turned his head slightly to the left.
“I said I would try, if you would accept the trainer I choose for you.”
“And I think that if she’s a Draenei, she’d…”
“She’d what?”
They both turned to the direction of the voice. There they saw a tall figure, shrouded in cape.
The Kings face suddenly turned very formal.
“Valeera, leave us.”
When she did, Serenais bowed.
“I am here, as you asked, King Varian.”
“Raise, Serenais.”
Serenais did. Then she lowered her cape. King Varian’s eyes showed a
little surprise when he saw her face, but his expression remained
“I thought the healers said the scars will heal.”
“Humans say many things.”
“Yes. That we do.”
King Varian took a few steps towards her.
“What is the reason you called for me, my lord?”
His words suddenly begun to sound uneasy.
“A friend of mine asked for a paladin training.”
“I am not a paladin trainer, lord Wrynn.”
The King suddenly begun to feel uneasy himself.
“That is why I called for you and not for anyone from the Cathedral.”
“It may have been a wiser choice.”
“Serenais. A king asks for your help.”
“I am not your subject, sir. What if I fail?”
King Varian smiled.
“Then you will be able to tell me that you told me so.”
Serenaises’ expression suddenly turned angry.
told you so before you attacked Thrall in the Undercity. I told you so
before the armies marched from Crystalsong. You do not listen. I will
not make the same mistake again.”
Serenais turned around to walk away.
“Serenais… I am sorry.”
Then she quickly turned back.
You are sorry?!? Your decisions cost countless lives! It was your
decisions that made Icecrown a graveyard, Varian! It’s because of you
that children flee on the very slightest sight of me! Sorry does not
cover this, not by a long shot!”
The main doors opened and several guardsmen ran inside the room, their shields and swords aimed at Serenais.
“Does your sorry cover this as well?”
King Varian gestured the guardsmen to lower their weapons.
“Leave us.”
After the guardsmen fulfilled the order, silence filled the room for a moment.
“Is that her, whom I am supposed to train?” Serenais asked.
“She is a blood elf. It will be very hard for her.”
“I know. She knows that too.”
Serenais hid her face under the cowl again.
“Very well. She will come to Telredor tomorrow morning. I will wait for her at the hippogryph master. Tell her to travel light.”

The next morning, Serenais was waiting at the hippogryph master’s place on southern terrace of Telredor, just as she said.
Munci, the local hippogryph master, greeted Serenais as she approached.
“Serenais. You should come out more often.”
“Greetings to you, Munci. How goes the trade?”
Munci petted the nearest hippogryph.
“Good, as always… Though I have not seen you around lately. Don’t tell me that Alreostrasz carries you wherever you need to go.”
Serenais shook her head.
I sent him back to Wyrmrest temple months ago. He is a dragon, he
should pursue his destiny. And that certainly is not to be some
crippled woman’s steed.”
“You’re not crippled, Serenais. Those scars… They do not limit you.”
Serenais looked out from the terrace somewhere to the south.
“Tell that to the children from Shattrath orphanage. Last time I was there, they were so scared I had to leave after minutes.”
Serenais lowered her cowl as the wind got stronger.
“Some hero…” She mumbled to herself.
“Serenais. Why are you here? You don’t listen to me… Or anyone for that matter. It’s not my advice that you seek.”
“No, it isn’t.”
A gryphon shrieked somewhere in the distance.
“I am waiting for my student.”
“Your student?”
Munci giggled at Serenais, who turned to her.
“What is so funny?”
“Oh… Nothing. Just give him my condolences.”
Serenais turned back with a silent mumble.
The gryphon that was heard before approached up over the terrace.
“That’s her.”


Moonshine Staff

The hippogryph landed. Valeera looked around before she jumped off the animal. Serenais walked towards her when she did.
“You are Valeera Sanguinar, I believe. Welcome to Telredor.”
Since Serenais didn’t seem to move being almost completely hidden in her cloak, the welcome looked mysterious Valeera. Even more so that Serenais was more than one foot taller.
“I expected Telredor to be somewhat…”
“Watch your mouth. You are talking of my home. It is good enough for me; it will be good enough for you.”
Serenais turned around.
“Follow me.”
Valeera picked up the only piece of baggage that she had with her and then left the terrace just after Serenais did.
Munci shook her head, slightly smiling.

The walk was short as Telredor itself was not a large town. They reached a small house on the other side of the settlement.
Serenais opened the main door and the two got inside. Then Serenais turned to Valeera.
“Welcome to my home, Valeera.”
After that, Serenais raised a hand, pointing to another door. It was the first movement that Valeera saw from under Serenaises’ cloak.
“I have prepared a room for you. There you will have a place for your belongings and study.”
Valeera dropped her bag on the floor.
“Yes, Valeera. Study. You did not expect me to teach you ways of a paladin just by sparring, did you?”
Valeera frowned.
“Consider that a first lesson then. Go to your room. We will begin after noon.”

The room was small and relatively unfurnished. It was better than what Valeera was used to in her times of a professional fighter, but not what she was used to once she got her own living place in Stormwind Keep.
Travel light… Hmph.
She began unpacking her belongings. A set of weapons, few pieces of clothing and a small crystal ball that she had taken with herself from Shattrath.
I certainly should have picked more things.
Without conscious thought, Valeera realized how alien draenei architecture looked to her. It may have been good enough for her new trainer, but as for herself…
Good enough for me…
Valeera sat on a piece of furniture that resembled bed more than anything else in the room.
I wonder what I have done to Varian.
A few raindrops hit the window of her room, as it started raining outside.
She placed the crystal ball on sill of the window. Then she looked outside. She most certainly did not expect to train in middle of a marsh, much less a marsh that has overgrown mushrooms instead of trees.
If there ever was a place more alien to a blood elf, Valeera could not imagine it at that moment.

Knocking sounded through Valeeras’ to that moment silent room. It was the first sound Valeera heard beside her own breath and the raindrops on her window since she arrived.
When she opened the door, she saw her trainer for the first time without cloak.
“By the Sun… How did that…”
Serenais frowned.
“You mean that the King did not tell you who I am.”
“Varian only told me that you are a draenei hero… Of sorts.”
“That I can hide behind a shield and swing my sword makes me no hero. Come. Lunch is ready.”

The dish was simple, yet Valeera found it tasty, much to her surprise.
“I did not know paladin training is composed of cooking as well…”
“It is not. I learned that on my own. One never knows when they will be out of bread on any sort of mission. Empty stomach is not good when you have to climb stairs of an ancient citadel.”
Serenais stood up.
“Come. Your training is about to begin.”
“Now? It’s raining outside. Is that…”
“It is. As a paladin, you do not stop because there’s a little rain. Take your weapons.”

It was more than little rain outside. Torrents of raindrops were hitting everything in sight. Small streams of water were forming on stairs below the house.
Valeera looked at Serenais, who stood in middle of the rain, hidden in her cloak. Just her head was uncovered.
Reluctantly, Valeera stood outside the dry protection of the house. The rain was icy.
“Attack me, Valeera.”
Serenais seemed as calm as the weather itself.
“I need to see what I have to work with. Attack me.”
Valeera unsheathed her two daggers. Yet, she did not make another move.
“Don’t worry. I won’t harm you.”
“It’s not me I’m worried about.”
Serenais pierced Valeera with her look.
“Do all blood elves talk when it is time to fight?”
“Do you know any other sentences then questions?”
“Do you…”
“I do, Valeera. Show me you know what to do with that two letter openers. Or do you carry them just because they are shiny?”
It was exactly the opposite of what Valeera imagined. Instead of training with a noble paladin, she was now being insulted by someone who looked like a hag to her.
“How dare you?”
“I dare, Valeera. Are you afraid because of that?”
That was enough. Valeera jumped at Serenais, thrusting her daggers towards Serenais. Serenais dodged the move with relative ease. That angered Valeera even more. She attempted another attack. With the same result. After third attack, Serenais caught one of Valeeras’ daggers and threw it on the ground.
“You are reckless, Valeera. You let your rage control you.”
“Did you have to insult me to find out?!?”
“I did what I had to do. Being a paladin is not just hiding behind your shiny armor, Valeera.”
Serenais took a step closer towards Valeera.
“Tell me. Right here. Right now. Why do you want to become one?”
Valeera lowered her remaining dagger.
“Because I have enough of rotten tomatoes being thrown at me. Because people respect paladins. People let them walk on the streets. People let paladins to buy what they need to buy and do not look at them as if they were thieves. People think that paladins are noble, that paladins are…”
Serenais smiled.
“So they say.”
Serenais turned around. Valeera did notice that her tutor left herself unprotected. A golden opportunity to teach the draenei a lesson…
And then Valeera realized that it was a test as well. Not how good she can fight, but how well she can handle herself.
When Serenais reached the door of her home, she looked back at Valeera.
“Good. Very good. Pick up your dagger and come inside, before you catch cold.”


Moonshine Staff

When Serenais took off her cloak, Valeera realized that her tutor had no armor, only casual clothing.
“Why did you leave yourself unprotected like this? I could have killed you.”
Serenais nodded.
“Yes, you may have. But you didn’t.”
Serenais went to the fireplace of her home and sat close enough to feel warm.
“There’s a pot on the main terrace. It should be full of water now. Bring it in, Valeera.”
The young blood elf left. When she was finally alone, Serenais looked into the flame. It reminded her of something – something that happened almost three years ago. Here memory brought up a face of a draenei priest, mouthing words that she would never forget. In the crackles of wood Serenais heard his voice.
She almost completely got lost in thought when Valeera returned.
“By the Sun, this is heavy…”
“It is supposed to. Place it there.” Serenais pointed towards a spot near the fireplace. “Then sit by the fire, you need to get warm.”
Valeera did as Serenais told her.
“Tell me, Valeera. Is there anything you learnt today?”
Valeera was surprised by the question.
"All we did was a little angry sparring. What was I supposed to learn? Besides the fact that you have a grip of adamntite."
Serenais shook her head.
"I have found out what I need to know about you. And on that, I will base how I will continue to train you."

Vaelis flew. She was passing just over the top of the waves with tremendous speed. She heard the sound of wings and felt the air run around her. She no longer felt as a night elf. She felt like being something else… Something more. And it was a great feeling.
And then, all of a sudden, she stopped. A small island appeared in front of her. Someone spoke to her from that island.
She heard the voice, but did not see the one speaking.
Vaelis... I know you can hear me.
She realized that she was dreaming – and that the voice came out of her dream.
Look at the waves.
Vaelis realized that her dreaming self was standing on a shore. The water reflected a city that reminded her of how she thought the ruins of old night-elven empires' cities might once have looked like.
And then, from the water, rose a figure. A night-elven woman with very pale skin. When she looked at Vaelis, it was as if two spears pierced into her soul.
You know who I am.
Vaelises' dream self nodded.
You are Azshara, the Queen of the...
The woman shook her head.
I am no longer a queen, Vaelis. Of neither your or mine people.
The apparition of Azshara walked on the surface of the water, making small steppes towards Vaelis.
Is that why you have come?
A part of it, yes. We have a common problem now...
She reached Vaelis. Her dream self felt the air cooling down, almost freezing. Azshara reached her hand towards Vaelises' forehead and then gently touched her.
With that, a sharp image of giant blue wyrm filled Vaelises' mind, piercing through it like the sharpest dagger.
Seek me out... You know where.
Vaelis woke up with a loud cry. It took a few moments for her to realize that she is finally awake. Her room was filled with noon light. What seemed like a moments within the dream, was hours in the waking world.

Valeera opened her eyes. For the first time in many years, she slept a dreamless sleep. No longer an image of her home burning, and her familly being taken away from her. For a reason unknown to her, she was finally rested.
And then she realized that she was not awake.
She was sitting on a small island in middle of a lake. A city reminding her of Dire Maul surrounded her, but this one seemed to be frozen in time, also strangely distant, as if it was not really there.
She looked to the way of the voice. There, on the other side of the island, a tall, purple skinned woman stood.
Who are you?
You do not need to know that, Valeera. What you need to know is who I was... And who replaced me.
Valeera realised that the apparition had closed eyes. Still, she knew that she was being saught perfectly, without any possibilty of hiding from this kind of sight.
You will have a visitor. She knows an answer for the question you asked...
But that is not all.

The apparation smiled.
That is true, Valeera. I can see that the children of my people have not lost their keen.
Only after that the apparition opened her eyes.
The sight was painful, as if looking into the sun in midday, but still, freezing as the coldest Northrend winter.
What you need to know is that you need to seek me out, Valeera. Or your freedom will come to naught.
With those words, a sense of terribly powerful magic filled Valeeras' mind, like a flood of endless power. And at the end of the power, Valeera saw an woman of high-elven looks, with the coldest eyes piercing deep into her consciousness and the soul beneath.
Valeera finally woke up, feeling as if she fell out of the water just before drowning.

Serenais realized that Valeera was dissapointed, and probably the upcoming days would make her dissapointed even more. Serenais knew that Valeera was probably the worst material a paladin trainer could get, and silently asked herself what is it that she had done to King Varian.
The she felt a freezing breeze. All of a sudden, she heard the sound of a sea, as if she was sitting on a shore. When she raised her head, she saw all of the Zangarmarsh drowned in water, as if all of Outland and the Twisting nether was replaced with endless body of water.
Alright. You are playing with my mind. What do you want?
A giggle like falling snow was heard. Then Serenais saw a night-elven woman sitting on the other side of her table.
Always to the point, aren't you, Serenais?
You have me at disadvantage...

The apparition nodded.
Azshara, former queen of the Highborne and the Nazjatar. But you knew that already, didn't you.
Serenais nodded.
Good. Now you know that I am honest with you. Truth to be told, you were the hardest to reach, as if something was shielding you from the world outside...
You are not here to state how hard I am to reach.

The apparitions' face turned from entertained to serious.
That much is true. You should know something, Serenais. I have been replaced with someone else, someone that you have briefly seen before. Be ready, Serenais, for that one will not hold the Nazjatar at bay. She will use them to suit the needs neither of us would like to be fulfilled. You know where to find me.
The queen raised to her feet, her image slowly vanishing.
And Serenais... Be careful. Your mind is not alone...
The whole world was suddenly engulfed in an embrace of blue wings, all the sea freezing and shattering at the same time. But for some reason, Serenais was not touched by neither of the frost or the force that shattered the ice. In a moment, the image of reality returned to its former self.
With that, Serenais felt as if a blanket was thrown over her mind. A distant, almost as if imagined feeling that something was covering her conscious thoughts. As if Serenais was still not alone, though the queen clearly left.
And as quickly as the feeling arose, it vanished away.

(( This is where I got at the point things changed a lot in our guild... Hopefully, I will be able to "update" this to a form much more in concert with how our guild looks right now. ))

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