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Screams from the past. (Short story.)

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1Screams from the past. (Short story.) Empty Screams from the past. (Short story.) Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:25 pm



The burning streets of Stratholme. It's air filled with the horrid stench of rotten flesh, and so hot it makes the eyes of any mortal water.
In these streets, where the only sourch of light is the neverending flames which continues to burn and eat through the crackling wood of ruined houses, a man walks. From his silhouette one can see he is wearing a cape, and clutching in his right hand, is a warhammer. The head of the hammer hangs down towards the ruined and unhallowed ground and from the deep sounds of metal hitting stone with each step taken, one can make out that he is wearing a full plated body armor. The cold evil winds which blows through the streets and fuels the neverending fires, makes his deep blue coloured cape flutter as cinders and embers are torn from the burning wood and gently soars around him before dying out into nothing but ashes. His left arm hangs as a calm gesture next to his body with a clenched hand, and the ensignia of The Order Of The Silverhand can be seen upon the plated glove. The armor seems old and used as several deep cuts can be seen upon it, and the deep blue coloured cape is tattered, but the man himself seems to be fine, only his lungs crave for fresh and clean air, but with each desperate heave it only sucks in more the hot and disgusting thick air.
With closed eyes, the man who's long orange hair is hanging infront of his face, walks down these burning streets, as if searching.
The man knows that it is night, but no one can see that by just looking to the skies. For the everburning fires light up the skies to a dark red night, be it either morning or evening. He is tired, his body exhausted and his mind veary but still calm.
With a last step he stops in his tracks and let's the warhammer rest upon the ground. His eyes remain closed as he slides his plated hands to his head and gently removes the hair stuck in his face and then slowly rubs the thick beard upon his chin. The man seems at ease, as if he was home. But in this cursed city, no one is ever alone.
The sound of crackling wood suddenly being violently pushed away, penetrates the gloomy silence of the streets. A new silhouette humps out of one of the burning buildings, but it's not another man. It's not alive anymore.
With practiced ease the man remains silent, his eyes still closed and his lips only shows a straight line.
The silhouette from before slowly walks out, it's left foot seemingly being dragged across the stone filled ground, to the burning streets. There it stood, it's broken jaw wide open and the empty eye sockets pointing directly at him.
But it was as if the man could sense the evil being, for he knew precisely where it was standing, despite keeping his tired eyes closed.
The evil being seemed dead, but yet it was moving. Evil dark powers was keeping this deceased human alive, and it was this mans sacred duty to finally grant it eternal rest.
With a foul scream the undead creature started to rush toward the man, and to him it sounded like a scream from the past. It's movement was stiff and slow, yet it showed to have a lot of power behind it as it rushed with a leg dragged behind it, towards the man. But the man seemed to remain calm, and with his eyes still closed he kneeled down and placed his right hand around the hilt of the warhammer. He then followed with placing his left hand upon his forehead and with a tired but warm voice he spoke out. " Holy Light, bless me with your strength. Let this undead be redempt by the seal of righteousness!" And as soon as the prayer ended, the mans eyes shot wide open. In his warm green eyes, burned a fire with more power and passion then all of the neverending fires in Stratholme combined. And as he got back upon his feet, his entire body was covered in a strong blinding light, while his eyes narrowed upon the charging undead. He lifted his warhammer and placed his left hand upon the hilt aswell, and with a fierceful roar he smashed the hammer directly into the undead. As the head of the hammer collided with the decaying flesh of the undead, a strong light flashed which seemed to rip and cut the undying monster to shreds. With that one smash, the creature dropped the ground, and moved no longer. No sound. Once again the only sound was the cracking wood from the burning buildings. But the mans eyes remained open. He was never alone, and he knew that. And just as that one creature had been granted eternal rest, the sound of several others suddenly filled the air. Dosens upon dosens of silhouettes came out from the buildings around him. Surounding him. No excape. But the man showed a warm smile. They had come to him, and he would grant them their wish. Eternal rest. He cried out to the Light as the small army of undead started to rush him, each of them screaming and howling. All which seemed to him as.. Screams from the past.

This was just something I threw together while waiting for the patch to load.. Imagine it to be Cidcus before he joined Moonshine. I know it's filled with spelling mistakes and ect, but truth is I only wrote this to spend the time. Please do feel free to comment, who knows, I might just write more if times shows itself. Screams from the past. (Short story.) Icon_smile

Last edited by Cidcus on Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:27 am; edited 1 time in total

2Screams from the past. (Short story.) Empty Re: Screams from the past. (Short story.) Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:14 pm



Awesome story. It really captures the spirit of the paladin.

I am tempted to talk to King Bronzebeard to get you the title: "honourable Dwarf"

Since the mans attitude is "Bugger the odds! This is the right thig to do!" a very dwarf-like thing to do ^^



Heh, thanks a lot Qure'thell. I'm glad that you like it. Smile

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