Lunar Radiance/Moonshine Guild Forums
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Lunar Radiance/Moonshine Guild Forums

Official forum of World of Warcraft Roleplaying Guild Moonshine at Steamwheedle EU server

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The official story and less obvious gossips about Vaelis

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Moonshine Staff

Vaelis is young elven priestess, who came to Stormwind soon after the last war to help people with her healing powers.
The war she spent in a safe place and doesn't remember it well. That's why she doesn't hate the Horde.
Her family was in some kind of a conflict with older druidic beliefs, rather atheistic and rebellous approach they had.
She finds humans to be more resourceful and in a greater danger then any other race, thet's why she choosed to live, train and work among them.
It seems her faith is definetely a private part of her life. She doesn’t attend regular ceremonies in Kalimdor, althought she belives to posess some bond with Elune. It has began with the journey just after the last war. The old elven priest has taught her of his ways. It was the most important moment of her life.
A very important moment is to be mentioned when her older sister left for good. It was about 2 years ago. Her sister was very important person, but disappeared from her life for long. Vaelis, young priestess, feels alone and in a couple of months decides to join her sister, following in her footsteps to Storwind City.
After months of searching Vaelis discovered, that her sister had been hired as a mercenary (perhaps even as an assasin) by some Stormwind nobles, but after a few assignments she disappeared for good. About half a year ago, Vaelis abandoned her search and created Moonshine Guild. The rest of her life is not a mystery for Moonshine members.

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