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Shaman on the run, part 8: Radio vs Spirit

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1Shaman on the run, part 8: Radio vs Spirit Empty Shaman on the run, part 8: Radio vs Spirit Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:59 pm



Shaman on the Run: Radio versus Spirit

“As you requested… Wise Master Shaman I have… searched… for him…”

Farseer Nobundo smiles a bit as he hears a familiar whisper in his left ear. He turns to face the wispy wind spirit and smiles a bit wider. He can`t remember this one`s name. Not because he doesn`t know his elemental friends and allies, but because this particular one hasn`t decided on a permanent name yet. In his mind the Farseer calls her ‘Lufie’, since that was the name used when she introduced himself.

Patiently he waits for the spirit to tell of her travels, where she looked and where she didn`t look. It never ceases to amaze just how chatty the messengers of the spirit world are. Or how extensive their network. ‘Lufie’ talked to no less than five air spirits about finding Qure`thell. Each one pointing to the next until the last simply said: “He just left the Exodar”.

Of course, this being messengers, this simple message took about half an hour to be given. First they renewed their friendship, establishing their relation to each other. Then they reviewed what news they had for each other. Only then did the other answer Lufies question.

Farseer Nobundu smiled to himself as ‘Lufie’ chats away, Qure`thell may just arrive before she is finished. Despite their incessant chatter, the Farseer had a special kinship with the spirits of air… Ah, ‘Lufie’ seems to be nearing her point.

“… Concluding….”

‘Lufie’ pauses for a moment, waiting for the word to sink in. Despite her nature, she does know how to deliver a message properly.

“… Qure`thell is advancing…. Upon us with…. Due… haste… Wise Master Shaman. He`ll …. Be here… within the… hour…”

The Krokul smiles warmly at his dear companion. His voice croaks as his damaged mind finds solace in the routines of polite conversation.

“Thank you sprite, for this message. I will keep our promise and recite a piece of poetry tonight. I hope you and your friends will like it.”

The air spirit giggles happily, doing a looping on the spot. Then she calms down again and looks at her good friend the Broken.

“Wise Master Shaman… there is…. Something you should know. Qure`thell…. Has done… something…”

“What would you like in return for this information, messenger?”

Nobundu mentally prays for clarity and wisdom, asking the spirit of water to clear his broken mind. Without this magical help his mind is slow and easily distracted. Like his body, his mind was broken, some would say corrupted, when that Orcish Warlock pumped Fell Magic into him, in Shattrath, so, so long ago.

A cool refreshing sea breeze answers his call, Nobundus mind clears up. History is swept aside. The First Shamans attention is now fully on the air sprite. The breeze even give a summary of what was said earlier. For this, it only asks that he teach Qure`thell. It seems he upset someone in the Elemental Court.

‘Lufie’ tells the story of Qure`thells dealings with Mother Zangar Ridge and her son Malachite. The seabreeze, who claims to have no name, just a title, informs him of the apprentice shamans run in with a mist-spirit.

The Farseer nods and smiles, thanking the spirits politely. Then he falls silent, quietly pondering how to return the wayward shaman to the path. Qure`thell could be a great shaman, if he only accepted it.


“Student. You are late.”

The Farseers voice may be soft, there is a harsh undertone of disappointment. Qure`thell doesn`t respond immediately. First dismounting his frostsaber mount and thanking her for carrying him. Then he turns to the Broken teacher and bows deeply.

“I am not late, you didn`t specify a time for this meeting, honoured teacher.”

“I meant the healing class two weeks past, apprentice. We have much ground to cover.”

“My apologies, Farseer Nobundo, I didn`t know there was one. May I ask why you chose to send an air spirit? Instead of a letter or a radiomessage?”

Nobundo sighs deeply, his face darkens as he realizes he is being drawn into the same argument he and Qure`thell have been having for many months now. The Broken shaman speaks the words he has been repeating for three months now.

“When are you going to stop relying on toys, student? When are you going to rely on your own skills?”

Qure`thell harumpfs, his body language defiant. He waves dismissively.

“My skills? My skills are my ability to make devices and swing an a- er.. staff. Those are MY skills. Anything shamanic is not my own. That power is borrowed from another and therefore unreliable.”

“No one is truly independent, young one. We are all connected to each other. Some think of this interconnectedness as the Light. But regardless of what you call it, no one is really independent. No one is alone.”

The Draenei Shaman opens his mouth to interrupt. But a gesture from Nobundo cuts him off.

“I sent a wind sprite for my own reasons. One of them is privacy. The other is that I wanted to show you the reach of Shamanism. How long does it take a letter or radiomessage to reach you in Nagrand, apprentice?”

“Honoured teacher, I disagree. Spirits aren`t that discreet. We both know that they chat incessantly. So anything you tell them will be passed along until every wind spirit knows the message. Even if it wasn`t meant for them all.”

Nobundo nods slightly, his response is quick. Almost as though prepared beforehand.

“Yes, student, but when you send a radiomessage, it is audible to the whole world.”

“Not if you use a specific frequency, Master Shaman.”

“One could listen in on that too. Air spirits are reliable messengers. True, they tell every AIR spirit, but never another soul, except the recipient.”

“How can one be sure that a private message stays only with the Wind Spirits? How can one be sure the other recipients are listening in, but aren`t telling?”

“The same goes for radiomessages or letters, my young apprentice. Wind Spirits can also be asked to give information, not just bring messages. Can your radio do that?”

“Of course! If a friend is on the same frequency and he or she knows the information required. And unlike Spirits they do not ask a reward for every little thing they do.”

“Yes, they do. Your friends will call on you when they need a question answered. Or need help with something. Spirits are like people, people are like spirits. You would do well to remember that, Qure`thell.”

I open my mouth to speak again. But my teacher interrupts me with a warning look.

“I know what the problem is Qure`thell…”

He pauses for a moment to emphasize his words. He seems to be taking a deep breath, is he worried about something?

“… Control. You want to control your world Qure`thell. But how much can you control? And would you want to?”

I try to speak before thinking, but something stops me. I stop to ponder this question, it seems very important. How much do I want to control? Control means to control actors and influences, imposing my will on them. This leads to resistance, since all actors and most influences have their own agenda and will. This means that to control effectively I need to invest time and effort into each person I want to control.

Worse, I need to watch everyone and everything I want to control, to make sure they act as I want them too. The control costs, as management literature calls it, for controlling everything around me would be enormous. Yet if I don`t control, how can I get what I want? I have to control to...

An unbidden memory flashes before my mind`s eye. I see the disapproval turn in his eyes into loathing. He turns his back on me. His voice is harsh. I hear those horrible words again. My heart burns in pain. I hear someone gasp from pain.

I try to picture the blueprints of Miracle. Trying to find the flaws and imagine improvements. Designing new components and work-arounds in my head. Untill I feel the cool calm hand of logic pushing back the raging emotions in my heart.. I mean head. As the cool hand calms me I feel a surge of pain. I hear a low growl. Disappointing, angry, hurt. My teacher doesn`t seem to hear it.

“Do you have an answer?”

“Control prevents pain, teacher.”

“Control prevents good things too. It would mean no more pleasant surprises.”

“For us shamans there are NO pleasant surprises, just bad ones. Even our own people don`t like us. And those that do, only like us for what we can do to help them. And then mostly for free.”

“Qure`thell, life can`t be controlled. You know that, I will not argue with you about this. If a friend would ask for your help, would you deny it?”

“Of course not! I..”

“The spirits are a shamans friends. Just like your normal ones. Are your friends resources to be exploited?”

“No, that would violate the First Virtue.”

“Neither are spirits. They have a free will, just like you and me. They must be asked, not forced, if you want them to do something for you.”

“That is impractical in crises.”

“Is it?”

“In combat I expect that a command.. or request for help is followed by an action.”

“And a friend would respond to help you, if you were in trouble, yes or no?”

“Yes, teacher, but…”

“The price is too high? Is that really the case? Is helping you really so cheap that it isn`t worth a favour or two? The spirits stop doing what they are doing to aid you. Yet you won`t repay their kindness?”

“No, of course I will repay favours. But what about the times I have called them and they didn`t respond? Spirit are unreliable, unlike devices.”

“I can`t tell you why a certain spirit won`t heed your call, young apprentice. But tell me this: Have you ever refused to help someone?”

“Yes but..”

“… You had a good reason, didn`t you? How hard is it to believe that the spirit had a good reason too? Maybe someone else needed help more then you?”



“Now answer my question. How long would it take for a radiomessage to reach you in Nagrand, student?”

Qure`thell twirls his center-left tentacle pensively as he quietly runs the numbers. After a few minutes he looks at the smaller shaman again.

“The actual radio waves would take about four millennia. The radio-message however would be relayed via the Dark Portal and those would reach me about an hour after sending I guess. A letter would take about a day or two to be brought to Shattrath.”

“Open your senses and talk to the messenger that brought you the original message.”

“Honoured Teacher, I…”

“Please, just do it, student.”

The Farseer smiles politely at me as he makes his request, but his eyes harden. This was not a real request. I can refuse, but there would be consequences. The look in Nobundos eyes tells me this much. I sigh and calm my mind, trying to ‘feel’ the elements. As usual I start with the ground under my hooves. Earth, my favoured element. Then comes wind, that is odd. Fire just looks on, apart from the rest. Strangely enough water is the last that makes its presence known. Usually Earth and Water are the first.

I look around, trying to find and talk to that Air Spirit as soon as possible. I don`t know how long I can remain in contact with the elements like this. I need to make the most of the time I got.

“Where are you, messenger?”

My words aren`t that polite. The tone of voice is less then polite. I don`t like dealing with spirits. I really dislike being so dependent on others. And it shows. Still, the Light values those who are polite and respectful towards everyone one. I sigh and try again, this time concentrating on being respectful.

“I would like to speak to the messenger that tried and failed to contact me about my teachers healing classes, please.”

“Pffftt! Now…. He wants …. to talk! Finally, got… the… mud out… of your… ears?”

I frown and glare angrily at the shapeless cloud that hovers about 34 degrees up, to our northeast, at a distance of six yards. It is swirling around one of the sparse tries here. Nobundo intervenes before I can get off an angry reply.

“Peace, my friend, there is no reason to be disrespectful…” He glares at both of us, emphasizing the next sentence “… for either of you.”

“Air Spirit, how long did you need to find me, after Farseer Nobundo sent you on your way?”

“I have…. a… name you know!”

“Really? Well, I don`t know it. You can tell me or not. At least answer my question, please.”

I am quite proud that my ‘please’ doesn`t sound pleadingly. I practiced to make it sound polite and warm, but never pleading.

“My name….. is… Jasmine-scented-spring-breeze… do you… like… it?”

I get the feeling that Jasmine looks hopefully at me. Then again it is a cloud of gas and dust. It doesn`t have any facial features to base my observations on. So I opt to follow logic, and respect.

“It`s a nice name, a bit long though. Now, could you tell me how long you took to deliver the message I asked you about?”

“Nice?.... only nice?”

She asks, I can hear the indignant tone in her voice. A soft pleading, yet I can`t lie to her, just to comfort her. The truth is the truth.

“Yes. I am sorry, but I don`t like your name. I think it is nice and nothing more.”

The stunned silence seems to last for a long time. Jasmine sounds hurt as she responds.

“…No… I won`t tell….you… until I find a …. better name.. I am… sorry …Master Shaman… but I…can`t”

Nobundos Broken mind is struggling to cope with the new situation. I know him well enough that he can`t react quickly to new situations unless he is either prepared and has thought out several scenarios in advance. Or a water spirit has blessed him with clarity of thought. It seems he is neither at the moment. His soft soothing voice has, again, an hard undertone.

“I understand my dear friend, I`ll tell Qure`thell…”

He is glaring at me again.

“… all about manners. I am certain he will apologize later to you. ”

My shaman sight fades, in face of the anger burning inside me. But I can just see Jasmine flying off with a haughty puff… And fire studying me with a delighted look.

Now I just see a stern and disappointed teacher. He studies me carefully, taking his time to… well… think I suppose. Broken aren`t known for their mental capacities. I suppose that is why shamanism has so many logical holes in it. They are tainted by Fell Magic, they smell wrong and weak. Perhaps it was a mistake to let them live. They consume resources that can be better put to use rearing healthy… I blink. What am I thinking? These are sentient people with souls! Not livestock.

“Was that really necessary student?”

“Master Shaman, I didn`t do anything wrong. She or it asked for my opinion and I told her.”

“You could have been more polite.”

“I was, but no wording would have disguised that I didn`t like that name. Lying wouldn`t have helped. It is better this way. Besides, it is only a name, she was given it by her parents, right? It is just a label.”

“No, my student. That sprite is desperately looking for who she really is, so her name is important to her.”

“What? That doesn`t make sense: A name is just a name. Who you are is who you are?”

Nobundo starts to laugh.

“Coming from you, Qure`thell, that is…”

“…Odd. Aren`t you a shaman that refuses to believe he is? You are a logical man, you claim. Yet when I present you with evidence, you make up explanations that sound unlikely…”

“…even to my Broken mind. Enough for now. Let us begin the lesson.”


“Student, you are limiting yourself with your devices. Once you embrace shamanism, you will discover allies everywhere. And, to be honest, the spirit world needs shamans…”

“...Real shamans. Shamans like you.”

I am standing knee deep in the cool blue water of the sea, north of the island. Anything below my thighs is slowly freezing. I have tried making contact with the sea spirit for the last two hours. I know I am not very good at healing, but making contact with water spirits never was a problem before.

“Is there a problem Qure`thell?”

“No, honoured teacher, I`ll soon have the spirits attention.”

“You said that an hour ago too. Come out of the water.”

“Okay, I`ll make just one more attempt..”

“No, now. We need to talk.”

Stiffly I walk on half-frozen legs to the beach. To the little fire the Farseer has kept burning. Now I am glad that the Farseer sent me out to gather so much firewood to cool off. I sit close to the fire and stare at it, wondering if this too, has a mind. What about Fire Spirits? Are they sentient? If they are, it would be a Sin to let a fire go out. That would be murder, wouldn`t it? Nobundo smiles friendly at me.

“Student, tell me what happened in Nagrand. I would like to hear your side of the story.”

“My side of the story? What story?”

“The Elemental Court is investigating you. A spirit has accused you of enslaving a water spirit. Is this true?”

For a long time, all I can do is stare at him in amazement. What is he going on about? Slavery? How could I? I am a follower of the Naaru and the Holy Light. Slavery is anathema to my religion. Then a glimmer of recognition dawns.


I can`t see them without great effort on my part. This is partly the reason why I dislike dealing with them. Maybe a spirit I upset before has framed me?

“I don`t keep slaves. That is reprehensible! Who has accused me?”

I somehow manage not to growl at my teacher. I do glare however. Luckily my glasses prevent him from seeing that.

“A… no, I first want to hear what happened when you confronted a group of Earth Elementals.”

What is that about? Why is that relevant? Should I refuse? No, that would weaken my position. I don`t keep slaves, so the truth is my best option. I ponder awhile where to begin, and how to tell my side. Time is against me, I don`t want to seem to be constructing a lie. Sooner than I would like I start to speak.

“A few days before that happened, I called upon mrs Zanger Ridge to help me. In return for that, she sent me to find her son, Malachite…”

I tell him the whole story, leaving out my encounter with Arahu and the conversations with Old Wolf that Hunts the Sun until the End of Time. The Farseer listens quietly, nodding here and there, frowning disapprovingly as I tell of the Broken traveler we didn`t save.

When I finish, twilight is setting in. My ears pick up a low rumbling sound, it is quite some distance away, so I ignore it. My teacher is silent for a while. I wait, enjoying the twilights peacefulness and the fires warmth. A restlessness is growing inside me, though. Now is a perfect time to go run or hunt. Nobundo interrupts my thoughts of hunting.

“May I see the device you use for healing, Qure`thell? “

The Farseer holds out a withered paw.. I mean hand. Reluctantly I turn to my backpack and after some searching, hand him the DeReMeSTiR. He glares sternly at me. He seems… disappointed.

“I did tell you to not to bring any device, apprentice. These gadgets limit you in a way you don`t seem to be able to see.”

The Broken swings his walking cane at my head. Without conscious thought I grab the cane, bend with the blow and then pull. Hard. The Farseer is pulled forward towards the fire. He drops the device as his face gets close enough to the eager flames. If he had eyebrows, they would now get singed. Suddenly he lets go of the cane. I shift my grip to hold it like a club. Again, without any conscious decision to do so. He sits back up again. Fixing me with a steely gaze. The vindicator speaks:

“What do you think you are doing, Student Qure`thell.”

“Er.. Well… I.. er.. didn`t think, I just reacted.”

“I`ll be lenient. This time…” The Farseer speaks menacingly

“Now about this… gadget. How does it work? Could you...”

The Farseers voice trails off. In the silence I notice something.

The rumbling sound is gone.

Last edited by Qure`thell on Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total




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