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Cataclysm intro "suggestion" by Serenais, per Janah's request.

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Moonshine Staff

This is more or less how I think would be nice if the opening cinematic looked:

Black screen with just some small particles seen moving, while slow, heavy and inhuman breathing is heard in background, and a strong, slow heartbeat echoes.

Alexstrasza's voice: "Malygos is dead..."

A quick flash of Malygos dying in Eye of Eternity, then screen fades into black again, with the sound of breathing and heartbeat returning. Suddenly, the screen shakes, as if something is trying to get through "the black". An orange-red crack appears.

Alexstrasza's voice: "The world has gone on since..."

A man from Gilneas is shown cornered by the Forsaken, slowly moving backwards; when he can't go back any further, he looks upon the undead, and his form starts to change into that of a Worgen. Before he is fully transformed, the screen fades again.

Alexstrasza'S voice: "We saw new allegiances born..."

There is a beach, on which many cast away goblins lie, the sky rages with lightning storm, during ligtning flashes, numerous shipwrecks are revealed. The nearest golbin tries to get on his feet, when an orcish hand reaches forth to help him; the camera moves, and reveals that the hand belongs to Thrall. Then the screen fades.

Alexstrasza's voice: "Malygos is dead."

Orange-red crack appears again, and the screen shakes repeatedly, more cracks appear. The camera begins to move backwards.

Alexstrasza'S voice: "Ysera, Nozdormu... You both knew this would happen."

One of the cracks suddenly opens, and a black dragon claw, with numerous small red-glowing trails gets through, iluminating what appears to be desert valley during a dust storm.

Alexstrasza's voice: "We already lost one brother..."

The more and more cracks appear in the desert valley, spreading around, penetrating the whole valley and then the mountains around. Through the center, a dragon head bursts through, looking directly at the camera.

Alexstrasza's voice: "Now we'll have to kill another..."

The dragon, Deathwing, lets out a roar and surges towards camera; in the moment he would "touch it", a logo of World of Warcraft appears, turning red and black, cracking and letting out lava, which forms underneat into the Cataclysm logo. It stays on, until fracturing further and dissipiating into the dust storm again, showing valley - with Deathwing gone - slowly being filled by lava, and as the camera backs further up, cracks are shown to go far and far, until the camera gets to cloud hight and above, revealing the cracks going through the seas, mountain ranges and all around Azeroth. A black dragon suddenly flies upwards and by camera; after that the view goes completely black.

Alexstrasza's voice: "Neltharion, my brother... Why did it have to come to this...?"

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