Lunar Radiance/Moonshine Guild Forums
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Lunar Radiance/Moonshine Guild Forums

Official forum of World of Warcraft Roleplaying Guild Moonshine at Steamwheedle EU server

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Official Moonshine Meetings

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1Official Moonshine Meetings Empty Official Moonshine Meetings Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:47 pm


Moonshine Staff

Our guild meets each first Saturday of the month. We strongly recommend our members to come, becouse it is the only regular occasion to see our active members. Don't be shy.
Those meetings are held at Stormwind Keep. As you enter it, come to the king, kneel before him and then turn left. We are there, at the large chamber. We gather before 8 pm ((server time)) and usually don't leave before 9 pm. Sometimes we come after an official part to drink and tell stories at The Pig 'n Whistle Inn, located in the Park District.
Guests not belonging to Moonshine are also higly welcome. We only ask for leaving larger pets outside, and respect good manners while you are among us. We respect all races and classes, but Death Knights have to prove themselves (with a realy good story) before we allow them to come.

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